USS CIRCE-A Biofiles

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USS Circe-A Character Biofiles
Version 1.0 (Created SD 270712)


1.0- Initial compilation (SD 270712) Maintained by Scott Lusby (scottjlusby[at] GENERAL INFORMATION
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1.01- CAPT Adrian P. Makkedor CO
I. Personal Data
Full Name: Adrian Pierce Makkedor [SEC-079663-9109] Surname: Makkedor Given Name: Adrian Current Rank: Captain (O-6) Current Billet: CO, USS CIRCE NCC-27000-A Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human) Gender/Sex: Male/XY Age: 40 Terran Standard Years DOB: 11 August 2386 POB: Kings Park, New York, Terra Parents: James Gerard Makkedor, Jr. (DOB: 2361) Margaret Chancellor (DOB: 2363) Siblings: Daniel Ryan, Junior Executive, Montgomery Materials (DOB: 2389) Gregg William, Star Fleet Academy (DOB: 2394) Spouse: None Children: None Physical Description: HT: 6' 0" WT: 178 lbs EY: Blue HR: Brown SK: Light Tan; Goatee with hint of gray Blood Type: Ak+ Vision: O: +.05, S: +.025 (effectively 20/20) Religion: None Citizenship: Terran, United Federation of Planets
II. Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended:
-- Star Fleet Academy {Graduated *magna cum laude*} (Bachelor of Science, Political Science) B. Service Schools Attended:
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School -- Star Fleet War College C. Qualifications:
-- Qual: Tactical Officer -- Qual: Navigation/Astrogation Officer -- Qual: Junior/Senior Officer Bridge Tests -- Qual: Security Officer's Tests -- Qual: Command Officer's Tests D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Honors: *Magna Cum Laude* Final Cadre Rank: Cadet Commander Academic Major: Political Science Professional Major: Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics Class Rank: 4/250 Reprimands: 0 Commendations: 2 Athletics: Terran baseball; Null gravity handball. Activities: Cadre, Future Starship Captain's Club, Nova Squadron
III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-17: Lived with parents on Terra. Received standard public education there. 18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy. 23-Present: Active duty in Star Fleet. B. Background Summary:
Mak is extremely dedicated to his posting (regardless of what that maybe) and the members of his unit, despite his snafu in reporting to ALB. He is fiercely driven for absolute excellence, and expects nothing but the same from his team. Mak is also outwardly confident in his abilities and self-assured; he knows he's "a natural" at his chosen career path. In his younger days, Mak was often accused as being cocky and, at times, conceited. This in actuality stemmed from his knowledge of his natural abilites and his confidence in them rather than misplaced ego. His stance has softened in the three years since he graduated Star Fleet Academy, toning down his behavior somewhat. He has also gotten past, for the most part, his apprehension towards making friends with his crew. He still has trepidations regarding forming close relationships with colleagues, but has come to learn that isolating oneself is a sure way to turn an exciting adventure of discovery and exploration into something far more mundane. He has even found himself considering more intimate relationships... Mak enjoys spending his off time either in the holodeck honing his already brilliant tactical skills or reading a good 19th- 20th century novel when not enjoying the company of his crew- mates. He avoids physical confrontations unless backed into a corner, as he doesn't have much confidence in his hand-to-hand fighting capabilities. He much prefers a hand phaser, with which he's pretty good. Unfortunately, he's not much good at being diplomatic, either. He does spend time trying to improve this skill, as he knows it is vital to be adept at it if one is to make Captain someday. Another reason why he keeps to himself when off duty-it keeps him out of trouble. He comes from a family of five, with two younger brothers. Both are still in school at various levels. His family still lives in Kings Park, a small town in what was once known as New York state, on Earth.
IV. Official Star Fleet Record
A. Promotion History:
Star Date (24)040801: Entered Star Fleet Academy. Appointed Cadet Fourth Class. Star Date (24)050801: Advanced to Cadet Third Class, Cadet Ensign. Star Date (24)060801: Advanced to Cadet Second Class, Cadet Lieutenant. Star Date (24)070801: Advanced to Cadet First Class, Cadet Commander.
Star Date (24)080531: Graduated Star Fleet Academy. Star Date (24)090217: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1). Star Date (24)101013: Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2). Star Date (24)111016: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3). Star Date (24)120220: Given brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander (O-4). Star Dtae (24)120730: Brevet rescinded. Star Date (24)130417: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4). Star Date (24)161101: Promoted to Commander (O-5). Star Date (24)200801: Promoted to Captain (O-6). B. Service History:
Star Date (24)040801: Accepted into Star Fleet Academy, San Francisco, Terra Star Date (24)070801: Promoted to Cadet Commander at Star Fleet Academy Star Date (24)071001: Received Bronze Star for bravery and leadership under extreme circumstances. Star Date (24)080531: Graduated Star Fleet Academy, 4th in class of 250 Major: Starship Combat Strategy and Tactics Minor: Starship Helm Operation Star Date (24)090101: Assigned Armstrong Lunar Base, Holodeck 17 to complete officer's training Star Date (24)090203: Graduated Armstrong Lunar Base (with honors), assigned to SB ALPHA for assignment Star Date (24)090217: Promoted to Ensign (O-1); Assigned FCO, USS CHARLEMAGNE NCC-800 Star Date (24)091201: Granted Leave of Absence Star Date (24)100401: Resumed Active Duty as FCO, USS CHARLEMAGNE Star Date (24)100921: Tour of Duty as FCO, USS CHARLEMAGNE ends. Star Date (24)101013: Promoted to Lieutenant, JG (O-2); Assigned TAC/CSO, USS AURORA NCC-57103 Star Date (24)111016: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3); reassigned OPS, USS RAMSES NCC-1198 Star Date (24)120220: Received brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander (O-4). Star Date (24)120730: Brevet to Lieutenant Commander rescinded; Reassigned TAC/SEC, USS KUSANAGI NCC 45054 Star Date (24)130417: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4); Assigned XO, USS MAELSTROM NCC-57104 Star Date (24)150101: Tour of duty as XO, USS MAELSTROM ends. Star Date (24)150201: Assigned XO, USS KUSANAGI NCC-45054 Star Date (24)161009: Tour of duty as XO, USS KUSANAGI ends; reassigned CO, USS MANCHESTER NCC-64018 Star Date (24)171101: Promoted to Commander (O-5); reassigned as XO, Deep Space 13 Star Date (24)190101: Reassigned as TACFLEET Liaison, Gold Fleet Star Date (24)200801: Promoted to Captain (O-6); reassigned as CO, USS REPUBLIC NCC-5013-A Star Date (24)270701: Tour of duty as CO, USS REPUBLIC ends; reassigned as CO, USS CIRCE NCC-27000-A (Note: Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned, not their current re-classification.) C. Medals and Commendations
* Star Date (24)071001 Bronze Star - Awarded for bravery and leadership during rescue of participant during the Star Fleet Academy Marathon. * Star Date (24)100301 Combat Action Ribbon. * Star Date (24)100301 Fardon Sector Service Ribbon. * Star Date (24)100301 GREEN Fleet Service Ribbon. * Star Date (24)100301 ALPHA Quadrant Service Ribbon. * Star Date (24)101201 Starfleet Commendation Medal- For efforts in discovering a saboteur while serving as CSO/TAC of USS AURORA. * Star Date (24)101201 Romulan Sector Service Ribbon. * Star Date (24)101201 GOLD Fleet Service Ribbon. * Star Date (24)120220 Tybiiran Campaign Ribbon- For role in the Battle of the Tybiiran Asteroid Belt. * Star Date (24)120220 Combat Action Ribbon. * Star Date (24)120220 Gorn Sector Service Ribbon. * Star Date (24)120720 Bronze Star- For actions which resulted in the recovery and ultimate rescue of USS RAMSES during operations against Gorn Hegemony forces in the Tybiiran Complex at great risk to his own life. * Star Date (24)160930 Starfleet Commendation Medal- For role in Teneriffe Conflict. * Star Date (24)160930 Combat Action Ribbon. * Star Date (24)160930 BLUE Fleet Service Ribbon. * Star Date (24)171031 Silver Star- for role in actions against the belligerent forces of the Gorn Hegemony in the Briol System. * Star Date (24)171031 Briol Campaign Ribbon. * Star Date (24)171031 Combat Action Ribbon. * Star Date (24)171031 BETA Quadrant Service Ribbon. * Star Date (24)200801 Distinguished Service Medal. * Star Date (24)201231 Bronze Star- for role in actions against the belligerent forces of the Gorn Hegemony in the Jar'mas system. * Star Date (24)201231 Jar'mas Campaign Ribbon. * Star Date (24)201231 Combat Action Ribbon. * Star Date (24)230518 Starfleet Commendation Medal- for role in resolution of Tholian/Gorn Confederacy Conflict. * Star Date (24)270630 Distinguished Service Medal.
V. Skills Profile
Successful and ambitious officer despite age. Natural tactician and strategist, emerging Negotiation/Diplomacy skills. Outstanding leader- able to inspire loyalty in those under his command. Eventually will be a fine starship Captain.
VI. Recent Fitness Reports
"Cadet Commander Adrian Pierce Makkedor was one of the finest students it has been my pleasure to teach at Star Fleet Academy. His shear brilliance in my class on Advanced Starship Combat Strategy and Tactics notwithstanding, his transcript (and discussions with other instructors) reveals a young man dedicated to his duty. His leadership qualities are exceptional, and his acceptance of nothing short of excellence makes him not only an ideal officer, but an officer who has all the makings of a fine commander. Star Fleet will benefit immensly from his service." -Captain U'Bann Elysee Instructor, Star Fleet Academy
"In his time here at Star Fleet Academy, Cadet Commander Adrian Pierce Makkedor has performed exceptionally, in the finest tradition of Star Fleet. While his grades certainly reflect this, one particular circumstancestands out. During the annual Academy Marathon (StarDate 24070916), CC Makkedor's detatchment was assigned as field security along a particularly dangerous part of the course, the infamous "Dead Man's Pass" at kilomarker 27. This pass is an extremely narrow, uphill climb for over a full kilometer. Only two at a time can fit through the narrow pass, as one side is a wall of rock, the other a shear drop of almost a half a kilometer at its highest point. Special notches had to be cut into the rock face for the security detatchment's deployment. As a pair of runners approached CC Makkedor's position, one of them tripped, knocking him into the other. The other runner lost her balance and fell off from the path, dangling 10 meters below the ledge by a tree root. CC Makkedor immediately sprang into action. He quickly organized those of his detatchment in the area, and before the root could give way, CC Makkedor had effected her rescue. The fact that CC Makkedor was given command of the detatchment patrolling "Dead Man's Pass" speaks for itself. However, CC Makkedor's ability to quickly organize subordinates and resolve a critical situation without loss of life demonstrates his natural ability to lead- especially in times of crisis. It is precisely why CC Makkedor was assigned. Such actions saved a fellow cadet's life. CC Makkedor is the kind of leader Star Fleet strives to mold. He is an asset to our service." -Admiral Horatio Drallas Commandant, Star Fleet Academy
"In my opinion, Cadet Makkedor should be held back for additional training, with specific focus given to the Star Fleet Codes of Ethics and the Chain of Command. Cadet Makkedor, while undeniably a diligent Cadet, refuses to follow the guidelines of the aforementioned when his opinion differs from his Commanding Officer's. While Cadet Makkedor may eventually be a fine officer, his unwillingness to follow either the Code of Ethics or the Chain of Command detract from his natural leadership abilities. I am afraid that, without further training, Cadet Makkedor may find himself at the bottom of promotion list time and time again." -Captain Sufik Instructor, Star Fleet Academy
"Lieutenant Commander Makkedor is an officer of the highest quality. During the 2nd Battle of Tybiiran, Commander Makkedor prooved invaluable in the efforts to keep RAMSES alive after she was rammed by Gorn attackers. It was largely through his efforts- his demeanor under pressure, his leadership, and his quick decision-making skills- that RAMSES survived long enough to deliver all those who remained alive to SB BETA in like condition." -Captain Christine Xiao-Ping Archer Commanding Officer, USS RAMSES
"Lieutenant Commander Adrian Makkedor is the ideal XO- resourceful, efficient, and, most importantly, willing to offer plausible alternatives to potentially violent situations. His diplomacy skills continue to imporve to the point where he is a capable negotiator, and his tactical mind is first-rate. I'll hate to lose him, but the good ones don't stay XO's for long." - Commander Sabin Samaalak Commanding Officer, USS MAELSTROM
"Captain Makkedor has developed into one of our most trusted commanding officers- skilled as both diplomat and soldier if necessary. The trust he engenders in his crew is exceptional, and is the mark of a superior officer." - Admiral Conrad Veld Commander-in-Chief, Gold Fleet
VII. Psychological Profile
PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE: Star Date 81104 PATIENT: Cadet Commander Adrian Pierce Makkedor FINDINGS: Cadet Makkedor, while not an exceptionally brilliant man in his own right, possesses a tremendous drive for excellence, even perfection. This combined with his innate ability to lead allows him to overcome just about any obstacle put in his path. Cadet Makkedor has an extremely high chess rating, one of the highest in Star Fleet. He is also known to be a brilliant poker player. This explains his excellence in combat situations. His ability to feign, bluff and outflank an enemy can be traced directly these activities. However, Cadet Makkedor, despite being a reasonably attractive man with an engaging personality (as all natural leaders do), does not seem to have many close friends, if any at all. He believes this to be "a conflict of interests." He believes that getting too close to anyone could adversely affect his judgement in a crisis situation. Cadet Makkedor also, at times, can come off rather cocky, which also contributes to his lack of socializing. As stated before, Cadet Makkedor is an engaging person; however, it is my belief that others may find him arrogant at first, which may dissuade some from pursuing a friendship further. While Cadet Makkedor's drive for excellence is commendable, the roots behind this drive are mildly disturbing. Cadet Makkedor has an extreme fear of failure. More to the point, Cadet Makkedor is extremely afraid of, through some failure of his, being directly responsible for a fellow officer's or a civilian's death. While this may serve him well as of now, it may become a problem if it advances to the point of obsession. There is some cause for alarm in this, as Cadet Makkedor has experienced nightmares during evaluations when presented with a potential crisis. At this point, however, his nightmares have never occurred during the crisis; they have only occurred the evening before, when given advanced notice. If a crisis was sprung upon him, he performed as his natural talents and training would seem to dictate. He also performed quite well in situations following the nightmares. In short, they have never interfered with his performance to date. In conclusion, I can find no evidence or precedent to restrict his future assignments. He should make Star Fleet a wonderful officer and commander some day- if he doesn't become obsessed with failure. (Signed)-Captain Wilmington Harris CMO, Star Fleet Academy (Signed)-Commander Dana Relimar Chief Psychologist, Star Fleet Academy
AMMENDMENT TO ORIGINAL FILE- STAR DATE 100925 PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION: Star Date 100925 (Routine upon completion of Assignment) PATIENT: Ensign Adrian Pierce Makkedor FINDINGS: Ensign Makkedor experiences aboard the CHARLEMAGNE have provided him with growth material. His introverted personality has loosened somewhat; he is a more open, pleasant person upon first meeting than previously reported. This is a typical shift in personality for an officer returning from his first deep space assignment, as they learn to get along with others quickly and form the emotional ties essential to mental stability far away from "home." This is an extremely positive sign, considering only 6 months ago Ensign Makkedor reportedly almost resigned his commission after the horrific incident that resulted in the destruction of the YAKOLEV and the SABRE as well as the mutilation of several crew mates. After a crisis of that magnitude, a choice has to be made between moving forward and dwelling on the past. After a brief leave of absence from Star Fleet, Ensign Makkedor chose to move on. Another thing should be mentioned here- since rejoining Star Fleet, Ensign Makkedor has not reported a single nightmare. We attempted to stimulate such a response without success here. Judging from this most recent session, for the first time since he joined Star Fleet, Ensign Makkedor seems to have found inner peace. Ensign Makkedor is in excellent physical and mental health at this time, and is declared fit for duty. This office can find no reason to restrict his duty at this time. -(Signed) Lt. Tim Gladden CMO, Deep Space 4
VIII. Current Recreational Interests
19th and 20th Century novels; Terran baseball and ice hockey
IX. Miscelleneous Classified Information
Mak's drive for perfection comes from a deep-seeded fear of failure. More specifically, he is afraid at being directly responsible for a colleague's death. He wants to avoid this at all costs, which is why he has honed his skills at Starship Combat Strategy and Tactics to such levels; he'd rather be court- martialed and have his crew survive then live with their deaths on his conscience. Now, however, since he has found a rut in Star Fleet, he has begun dedicating more and more free time to learning the art of Negotiation and Diplomacy, as he has begun to realize how powerful a tool it can be, especially if his crew's lives are at stake... While Mak's superiors will undoubtedly have some knowledge of this fear (as mention of it is in his psyche file), his colleagues will not, unless they guess it. He has gradually been whittling away at this fear, becoming more and more comfortable with the risks involved in his job with each passing day. This has led to more fraternization with fellow officers and a willingness to work in teams without confrontation. However, these fears have NOT completely receeded. They tend to come to the surface when Mak suffers a setback of some sort- the more serious the setback, the stronger the fears. There have been a few setbacks- though none has directly resulted in the loss of life- but, thus far, he has not withdrawn so far as to begin suffering his nightmares again. The conquest of his personal demons were never more evident than in his performance at the 2nd Battle of the Tybiiran Asteroid Belt. He was cool under fire, composed, and proved he can lead other officers into and through a firefight and subsequent recovery operations. This has re-energized his career in the eyes of Star Fleet, and placed him back on track for command.
End Bio chip----------------------------------
1.02- LCDR Callista Veld XO
I. Personal Data
Full Name: Callista Veld [SEC-514981-4821] Surname: Veld Given Name: Callista Nickname: Cal Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander (O-4) Current Billet: Executive Officer, USS CIRCE NCC-27000-A Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human) Gender/Sex: Female/XX Age: 36 Terran Standard Years DOB: 17 August 2391 POB: Alexandria, Virginia, Terra Parents: COL Kenneth Veld, UFPSFMC (Deceased) Lauren Hamilton, Research Assistant, 49 TSY Siblings: None Spouse: None Children: None Physical Description: HT: 5'4" WT: 119 lbs EY: Green HR: Strawberry Blonde SK: Olive Blood Type: AB+ Vision: O: +.25, S: +.000 Religion: Roman Catholic Citizenship: Terran, United Federation of Planets Languages: Terran Standard (native speaker), Modern Spanish (proficient), Romulan (proficient), Klingon (basic knowledge)
II. Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended:
-- Star Fleet Academy {Graduated *cum laude*} (Bachelor of Arts, Military History) B. Service Schools Attended:
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School C. Qualifications:
-- Qual: Navigation/Astrogation Officer -- Qual: Shipboard Operations & Command D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Honors: None Final Cadre Rank: Cadet Lieutenant Academic Major: Military History Professional Major: Small Unit Tactics Class Rank: 79/250 Reprimands: 2 Commendations: 0 Athletics: Terran soccer Activities: Cadre
III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-6: Lived with parents in Alexandria, Virginia 6: Father is killed in action in Borg Incursions of 2398 6-18: Lived with mother in Alexandria, Virginia 18: Nominated and accepted into Star Fleet Academy. 18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy. 22-Present: Active duty in Star Fleet. B. Background Summary:
Callista Veld- who is called "Cal" by almost everyone except her mother and her more famous older cousin, Cayle- is relatively new to Star Fleet, having graduated from the Academy only within the past year. However, her drive and determination have already earned her a promotion and a new billet- Operations Manager on Star Fleet's new destroyer testbed, TESLA II. Cal is what one would call "bright-eyes and bushy-tailed," meaning that she still sees things with an almost child-like enthusiasm- and the naivity that invariably goes hand-in-hand with such a perspective. This is generally due to having lived a mostly sheltered life; after the death of her father, a colonel in the Marine Corps (and ADM Conrad veld's younger brother) during the Borg Incursions of 2398, her mother attempted her to steer her away from all things military, overprotecting her in an effort to keep her from following in the Veld family footsteps. This, obviously, eventually failed; when Cal was accepted into Star Fleet Academy, her mother, for a time, refused to allow Cal to attend. Only the timely intervention by her older cousin Cayle, then a brand-new LCDR and XO on Deep Space 13, allowed Cal to go. Cal was relatively untouched by Cayle's return from her abduction for a couple of reasons: firstly, Cal was just starting her 3rd year at the Academy when Cayle returned; secondly, the families, since Kenneth Veld's death 17 years ago, have not been as close as they had been beforehand, largely due to Lauren Veld's resentment of the military in general. As a result of this, Cal has managed to retain the idealistic prinicipals she learned growing up. Her first tour of duty was relatively quiet; her promotion comes largely due to need. However, Cal is at least a competent officer who has shown the potential to become more than her grades and records from the Academy suggests. On another note, Cal is a superb, world-class athlete, much more athletic than anyone else in her family. She played soccer at high levels through high school and the Academy, eventually being chosen as a member of the Sol system-wide and Earth teams in 2312, 13 14 and this year. As an attacking midfielder, she displayed a flair for both creating and scoring goals the likes of which are rarely seen in a single individual. As such, early in her competitive career, she was often played at either striker or center-forward. As a natural goal scorer, she excelled in that position; however, the creative side of her game that broke down oppposing defenses was rarely seen. It was only after her selection to the Sol team- a team with a glut of strikers already- that forced her move to midfield general and allowed the rest of her game to reveal itself. Her performances on the intergalactic level have ranged from merely "solid" to "breathtaking" and "exquisite." (NPRG- think of her as a 25th century version of Mia Hamm combined with the finesse and grace of Zinedine Zidane.) With her taking this deep-space assignment, her soccer career has been placed on hold for now. However, one can expect the invitations to represent Earth and the Sol System in the Galactic Cup and other intergalactic tournaments to continue to flow in... There is no animosity between Cal and Cayle, though there is no strong binding relationship either. In fact, one might wonder if Cal is becoming a bit tired of hearing about he rolder cousin from other officers. This makes the assignment to TESLA II very interesting... C. Personality Summary:
As mentioned above, Cal is very idealistic and naive as to the ways of the "real" galaxy; as of yet, Star Fleet service has not managed to burn this naivity from her. She often sees things in black and white, with little room for anything in between- things are either good or bad, right or wrong, with little room for differing perspectives. As such, she can be closed-minded at times. However, this is not due to a lack of intelligence- it is just a lack of real-world experience. As a general rule, when things happen that do not fit into her little world, she acts as though they never happened. However, at some point in her Star Fleet career, she will find that she won't be able to do this. When that happens, one can expect the famous Veld temper that she shares with her cousin and uncle to surface. Despite her average grades in the Academy, Cal is a leader, one of the confidence and self-assuredness one would expect from a world-class athlete. This makes her a natural department head and manager of people- ideal as Operations Manager. However, while her natural leadership talents have served her well in Star Fleet, her reliance on "natural gifts" has not always done so; she doesn't do a whole lot of preparatory work, relying on her natural abilities as all gifted athletes do. In short, she doesn't so much "think" about a problem so much as she just "does" the work. This is the curse of the natural athlete- rarely do they make good coaches, as they never to actually learn to play the sport of their choice. They always just did what came naturally instead of practicing to learn to do the same thing. One note on her physical appearance: she looks as though she could be Cayle's kid sister- a bit shorter and stockier due to her greater muscle mass, but the facial features and structure, as with the hair and eye color, are the same as her older cousin's.
IV. Official Star Fleet Record
A. Promotion History:
Star Date 140221: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1) Star Date 150510: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2) Star Date 190701: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant (O-3) Star Date 250301: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant Commander (O-4) B. Service History:
Star Date 100528: Accepted into Star Fleet Academy, San Francisco, Terra Star Date 140530: Graduated Star Fleet Academy, 21st in class of 250 Major: Military History Minor: Small Unit Tactics Star Date 140601: Assigned Space Warfare Officer School for training. Star Date 140615: Graduated Space Warfare Officer School; Assigned to Star Base Alpha for assignment Star Date 140630: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1); Assigned TAC, USS AUDACIOUS Star Date 150510: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2); reassigned as OPS, USS TESLA II Star Date 180630: Tour of duty as OPS on USS TESLA II ends. Star Date 190701: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant (O-3); assigned as CIC, USS CASSANDRA NCC-27006 Star Date 241115: Tour of duty as CIC on USS CASSANDRA ends. Star Date 241201: Assigned to Command Officer's School. Star Date 250301: Graduated Command Officer's School; promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4). Star Date 250308: Assigned as XO, USS SEKHMET NCC-59116 Star Date 270630: Tour of duty as XO on USS SEKHMET ends. Star Date 270701: Assigned as XO, USS CIRCE NCC-27000-A. (Note: Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned, not their current re-classification.) C. Medals and Commendations
None on file to date.
V. Skills Profile
A driven officer who has natural leadership talents. Ability to understand tactics is bourne from athletic gifts- has "vision" both on and off field field of play. Break down opposing forces as she breaks down defenses on soccer pitch. Good at hand-to-hand combat; average with phaser.
VI. Recent Fitness Reports
None on file to date.
VII. Current Recreational Interests
Soccer in the holodeck.
End Bio chip------------------------------------
1.03- LT Delbrak Dommo OPS
NAME: Delbrak Dommo RACE: Bolian (Bolarus IX) AGE: 35 Terran Standard Years GENDER: M POSITION: Operations Manager, USS CIRCE NCC-27000-A, HEIGHT: 6'0" WEIGHT: 192 lbs. HAIR: None (ritually shorn) SKIN: Pale Blue EYES: Gold II. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE
Delbrak is one of the Dommo identical triplets. His skin tone is slightly darker than that of the typical Bolian, a trait that he shares with his brothers. The one definable physical difference between Dremak and his brothers is that Delbrak possesses a cleft chin; the other two do not. Otherwise, his basic build- height, weight, bearing, etc.- is so close to that of his brothers that it impossible to distinguish them without from one another without a tricorder. III. CHARACTER BACKGROUND
Of course, Delbrak does not behave entirely like his brothers. If such a thing could be said about Bolians, Delbrak is the more authoritative of the three (probably the reason he is a department head over the other two); however, he still resists the urge to indulge this authoritative side unless it is necessary from a chain of command standpoint. In practice, he treats every exercise and assignment like a giant group project. While somewhat less formal, he DOES get results- and excellent ones at that. This is Delbrak's 4th assignment as a department head. However, one notable piece of information is that he has never served anywhere without his brothers; in fact, they have always been assigned to the same department. His last billet- TAC on the CEASAR AUGUSTUS-CA USS LEE, was the first time he had been placed in a position of direct authority over his brothers. Most of the time, he chose to ignore that fact.
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1.04- LT Rhiannon Rix CIC
Name: Rhiannon Rix Rank: Lieutenant (O-3) Position: Combat Information Center Officer, USS CIRCE NCC-27000-A Species: Andorian Age: 32 Sex: Female Hair Color: White, Midway down back, Straight Eye Color: Pale Blue Skin Color: Dark Blue Description: Rix is, simply put, a woman of striking beauty. However, her beauty is rivaled by her fire; she is ideally suited for her job as CIC on the CIRCE-A in both temperament and talent. She has some past history with both CAPT Makkedor and LT Anastas...and it was not always smoothe sailing.
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1.05- CW2 Pardek Rihaul CMC
NAME: Pardek Rihaul RANK: Chief Warrant Officer, Second Class RACE: Human (Denebian) AGE: 55 Terran Standard Years GENDER: M POSITION: Command Master Chief, USS CIRCE-A HEIGHT: 5'10" WEIGHT: 253 lbs. HAIR: Dark brown EYES: Brown II. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE
Pardek Rihaul is stout, to say the least. However, he is even stockier than the average Denebian (Deneb is a world with a far stronger gravity than Earth), but it is not fat. Rihaul is muscular and strong. Under normal circumstances, he has greater endurance than a Terran due to the reduced gravity (as opposed to Deneb) of a starship. III. CHARACTER BACKGROUND
Rihaul has been in Star Fleet since he was 18- well over 25 years. He is easily the most experienced enlisted man on the CIRCE, and certainly one of the most competent. The enlisted men respect him immensly, as he has always been willing to go to bat for them in his job as liason between them and the XO.
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1.06- ENS Hamilton Drake TAC
Name: Hamilton "Ham" Drake Rank: Ensign (O-1) Position: Tactical Officer, USS CIRCE NCC-27000-A Species: Human Age: 22 Sex: Male Hair Color: Blond- "high and tight" Eye Color: Green Skin Color: Light Description: Drake is one of two senior officers straight out of the Academy on the CIRCE-A. He is a straight-arrow, "by the book" officer...and so wet behind the ears that he squeaks when he walks. It is a foregone conclusion that at some point, his straight-arrow approach will come into conflict with the realities of deep-space tours.
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1.07- ENS Wymirra Ritallin NAV
Name: Wymirra Ritallin Rank: Ensign (O-1) Position: Chief Navigation Officer, USS CIRCE NCC-27000-A Species: Human (Martian) Age: 20 Sex: Female Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Purple Skin Color: Olive Description: Wymirra is the cliched "fighter jock"- she is brash, full of confidence, and fearless. She is also, like ENS Drake, straight out of the Academy...which means her brashness and arrogance can rub others the wrong way. However, her piloting skills DO tend to back up her attitude...most of the time. Typically, she goes by her former Red Squadron call sign: "Razor."
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1.08- LTJG Keith Winters CSciO
Rank: Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2) Posting: USS CIRCE-A (GOLDFLEET) Assignment: Chief Science Officer Name: Keith Winters Race: Human (Changeling) Home planet: Founders' Home World, Gamma Quadrant Earth Calendar Birth Date: Unknown (Celebrated July 14th) Complexion: Caucasian Sex: Male Age: Apparent age 25 Real Age Unknown Height: 5'11" Weight: 170 lbs Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Blond Hair description: Short and unkempt Parents: Grant Winters [Architect - retired] (75), Marie Winters [Musician- deceased] Siblings: David Winters [Blues bar owner] Spouse: None Children: None Education: 5-17 Public Schooling 21-25 Attended Starfleet Academy (Graduated 3rd in class) Major: Botany Minor: Xenobiology and Biology Planetary Sciences Physics and Astrophysics Flight Control Star Ships Engineering Department Head Operations Promotion History _______________ 090824.0000 - Began Starfleet Academy training at the rank of Cadet I 100623.0000 - Promoted to Cadet II 110623.0000 - Promoted to Cadet III 120623.0000 - Promoted to Cadet IV 130623.0000 - Promoted to Ensign 220815.0000 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade History ______ 090513.0000 - Began first year Starfleet Academy 130623.0000 - Graduated Starfleet Academy 130724.0000 - Assigned to the USS CIRCE as Assistant Science Officer 181122.0000 - Reassigned to USS INTREPID as Chief Science Officer 220815.0000 - Reassigned to USS ENDEAVOR as Chief Science Officer 270701.0000 - Reassigned to USS CIRCE-A as Chief Science Officer Physical Description: Keith is 5'11 with small green eyes and short blond hair, which he keeps very loosely tousled about his head. He is of a rather small build and has deep tan to his skin. He can often be found smiling and when talking he gestures widely with his hands. He brings expression and a seriousness to his stories and feels that stories are the most important experience in humanoid interaction. When speaking, he completely throws himself into his conversation and almost completely tunes himself out from the rest of the world. Keith slightly slouches while walking and can consistently be found leaning on any nearby furniture rather than standing. Background: Upon first leaving the Great Link, Keith set out to explore the galaxy. Traveling from one world to the next; living in a physical form harmonious to his surroundings, Keith enjoyed what life itself had to offer and loved experiencing life through the eyes and mindset's of different peoples. Throughout his journeys, Keith's love for his natural home gradually faded from memory and he soon found himself spending greater amounts of time at one particular world before moving to the next. Keith always kept his role in society small in each world he visited, staying only to learn and enjoy, rather than exact any changes. Striving to keep his identity a secret, Keith always left for the next world when the natural life cycle of an individual of the imitated species had obviously expired. These times in Keith's life are mostly a blur and he recalls only very brief glimpses of his earlier life rather than even the smallest moment. He vaguely remembers the journey itself yet rarely recalls any of its details. At the final leg of his journey, he arrived on Earth. Becoming a human male child of 2 years old, he was soon "found" and decided to be an abandoned child. He was soon adopted by Grant and Marie Winters and raised as their second son, whom they named Keith. Keith was careful to change his apparent physical age in tandem with David, a child also adopted by the Winters family. Keith found a happiness and a completeness as human that he had not experienced elsewhere. Throwing aside his former personal rule of non-interference with his temporary home world, Keith worked towards a career in science determined to quietly bring further advances to human understanding and reasoning in the scientific world. His life to this point was a testament to returning something to the galaxy that had brought him so much. This human life, would be the one he lived to the absolute fullest. Enrolling in university, Keith felt himself consistently falling the victim to a major moral dilemma. Is it right to bring these changes to this world? Do I have any right to do so? Can I still be an effective scientist yet keep these potential damaging changes at bay? Should I? Am I giving back to this world....or robbing something from it? Reaching his twenty first birthday, Keith slowly brought the truth of his existence and his dilemma to the confidence of his adoptive parents. Anger and disbelief answered Keith's questions and Keith fled in anger and fear, unwilling to take a chance on remedying the situation. To him, it had all been one big mistake. It was time to move on. Irony was Keith's new companion as he prepared to leave the planet. In the form of a Siltaran Space eel, Keith left the planet and carelessly collided with the plasma vent of a departing shuttle, Keith fell to the planet below and was later recovered by an emergency medical team. Upon being revived, Keith changed form for the last time. Taking on the form of the hospital worker who first looked into his opening eyes, Keith soon discovered that he was unable to shape change again; as well, much of his memories became lost as a result of the accident. To this day, the scientists who studied Keith are unsure as to why Keith was permanently locked into the form of a human and why his memories seem unrecoverable. Released years later, Keith found he had visibly grown older and age was no longer under his control. Now, with the looks of the 20 year old man, Keith sought out his parents once again to find meager acceptance and disbelief in the turn of events which had unfolded. Science, still his passion and with his promise to further humanity, Keith spent the next year painstakingly undergoing medical exams and review boards before finally being accepted into Starfleet Academy. As of his graduation from Starfleet Academy, Keith has stubbornly not re-approached his surrogate family in hopes of rebuilding their relationship. Though Keith was close to his adopted brother, David, Keith has not spoken to him since the incident. Hobbies: Keith loves reading, acting out holonovels, and exploring the history and beliefs of other cultures, almost to a fault. Frequently, Keith can be found on the holodeck, enjoying holonovels. Keith also enjoys experimenting with music, a trait he learned from his surrogate mother. He is proficient in the guitar and the violin. Medical Background: As reviewed by various Starfleet boards of inquiry into the proposed acceptance of Keith Winters. "Keith is in all definitions and degrees of the word, completely Human. Any and all medical exams on Keith Winters describes him to be fully and only Human. Keith shows no traits of the known characteristics of the Changeling race. Keith requires the same amount of sleep, food, water, etc as any other human. "It is still unknown as to what has sealed Keith into his permanent form, however, we do know that his present form is permanent. "After his discovery, Keith took the form of a 17 year old male part-time hospital worker, and has since then grown in verbatim with his counterpart. Keith was originally kept for observation at the hospital for three years, however, not even the slightest deviance from that of a normal human has been recorded. Following the moment of Keith's last shape change, no injuries were apparent from his accident. "Satisfied that he was no different than that of any other example of the human species, Keith was released at the age of 20 as nothing beneficial could be learned from him." Psychological Background: Dr. Liam Wells (Chief of Starfleet Psychology) Completed Psychological Stability Profile as compiled from 23 separate sessions. "Keith is completely mentally sound and fits the profile for a fully normal and healthy human being. While little is known of Keith prior to his accident, he views himself as a normal human being and has next to no memory of his previous life. "While suffering from a perfectly normal depression over the dealings with his family, I site it as a circumstance which Keith has demonstrated time and time again that he is perfectly fit in dealing with it. "Over 20 separate thorough psychological exams have been conducted on Keith Winters and not one problem has been sited throughout our sessions. At each of these sessions Keith's academic ability has been rated at that of a man having completed his 12th year of education. Keith has displayed that while he retains very little knowledge of his life before Earth, he has fully retained all memory of his time since arriving at Earth. It is believed that this memory is fully maintained as these events were fresh in Keith's mind prior to the accident. "Keith is a very open and eager individual. He seems delighted to converse and relishes in stories. Frequently he enjoys reading and has often frequented the officer's lounge for the simple purpose of exchanging stories (real and fabricated). He has frequently been found conversing with high ranking officers sharing his creative stories as well as the little bits and pieces he remembers from his earlier life. "While he still struggles with the loss of his memory and the rejection of his parents, he deals with it in a perfectly healthy and natural manner through counselling sessions. "I can confidently state, as a Betazoid, that it is a fact that Keith Winters no longer considers himself a changeling and feels that as he has been far from his home planet, his absence is no longer noticed. He considers himself fully human and knows only his human life as a tangible part of the reality of his history." Standard Starfleet Requirement Psychological Profile: On the surface, Keith strives to be a very open and eager individual, striving to be everyone's friend. He has often times gone out of his way to provide help where he can and is very firm set in his morals. While this is a positive trait of Keith's it can conversely be a negative one. Frequently, Keith has been in "debates" as to what is right and what is wrong with the universe; on occasion it has come to cost him retaking certain academy tests as his first time through led him to follow his heart rather than established procedure. His most predominant trait is most obviously his charisma. Keith is very open minded to other culture's and belief systems only rivalling their points when they come into direct conflict with his seemingly subconscious "galaxy wide" morals. He is most often comical and optimistic in any conversation and while he welcomes debate, he will keep his rebuttals good natured. Keith thrives on stories. He loves to tell stories and loves to hear stories and will drop just about anything he is doing to exchange tales, legends, or even history. While most memory of his early life is clouded, he is reminded more and more of the past as he falls into deep conversation and will often share any recalled experiences. When in contact with other species, he tries to observe their customs and beliefs but is always anxious for the chance to exchange stories and has a difficult time restraining himself. Keith is a firm believer in the prime directive. Additional Notes: Keith Winters has absolutely no shape changing ability. He does not consider himself a Changeling. This aspect of him is more of a distant memory and feels almost like the hazy images of a past life.
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1.09- LCDR Seemok ENG
NAME: Seemok RANK: Lieutenant Commander (O-4) POSITION: Chief Engineering Officer, USS CIRCE NCC-27000-A RACE: Vulcan AGE: 120 Terran Standard Years GENDER: M HEIGHT: 6'4" WEIGHT: 195 lbs. HAIR: Dark brown EYES: Brown II. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE
Seemok, middle-aged for a Vulcan, has managed to maintain his lanky, youthful appearance in no small part to hsi diligent physical regimen. His hair is cut in typical Vulcan fashion, and thus far is showing no signs of gray. III. CHARACTER BACKGROUND
Seemok has had a solid career- one doesn't get to be a department head without being a good officer- but certainly not a stellar one, at least to date. He has remained almost unoticed for the bulk of his career; this is not atypical for Vulcans, as their lack of emotion leads to a lack of flamboyance and risk-taking on their part.
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1.10- CDR Daniel Wannaya, MD CMO
Name: Daniel Wannaya Rank: CDR Serial Number: 05834-74K-51 Citizenship: Earth Race: Terran Place of Birth: Louisiana, North America, Earth Age: 48 Assignment: CMO, USS CIRCE-A PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Weight: 65 Kg (140 Lbs) Height: 1.83 M (6') Hair Color: Black (hair is often worn in a close cropped Crew cut) Eye Color: 1 Pale Blue, 1 Brown Marks: Tattooed Stripes (1 red and 1 purple) on each side of head MEDICAL DATA/HISTORY Allergies: None Injuries: None Disabilities: SD121022: Daniel hospitalized for post-traumatic stress. Cleared for duty SD121122 EDUCATION Primary: New Haiti Primary School (2395) Secondary: New Haiti High School (2399 AD) University: Harvard University, BS in Biology (2403 AD) Minor in Comparitive Theology Graduate: Harvard Medical, MD (2407) Speciality: Trauma Advanced Officer's Training (AOT) Disciplinary Actions: Minor infractions involving contraband material in dormitories. Minor infractions involving unauthorized modifications to Starfleet Dress Uniform. (Both incidents were resolved through the Chaplain's office in the students favor) PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE Religion: Neo-Voodoo (also known as Techno-Voodoo. Essentially a mesh of the older Carribian Voodoo religion and modern sciences) Personality type: Calm, confident. Comments: "The level of confidence exibited in Daniel can be almost directly attributed to his ferverent beliefs. He tend to approach things from the aspect of wonderment. It appear that to him, all things occur for a reason and he feels great joy when that reason is revealed to him. This surity seemingly flows from him to his patients, and one can almost see the belief each patient has in him." -Dr. Dimitri Xar, Starfleet Medical FAMILY/BACKGROUND Father: Timothy Wannaya, Holographic Programmer Mother: Rhodarra Wannaya, Neo-Voodoo Priestess Siblings: None History: Born to Haitian parents, Daniel was raised with a deep belief in the world of spirits and magic. Trained in the traditions of both herbal magics and medical healing of minor ailments and injuries, Daniel quickly took to the Neo-Voodoo lifestyle, embracing technology and science in search of spirits. After graduating from high school, Daniel's temperment, training and desire to help people led him to one of the leading medical school on Earth, Harvard. Graduating with a major in biology, and with a minor in comparitive theology, Daniel immediately applied to Harvard Medical, and was accepted. After spending four years learning the healing arts and graduating with honors, Daniel then set his sights on a carreer where he could both help people and learn the secrets of the universe first hand: Starfleet. Arriving at starfleet for his Officer's training, Daniel was a model student, save for several misunderstandings based on cultural obscurity. After mediation with the Dean of Medicine by the Chaplain, Neo-Voodoo was added to the exception list for both campus possessions and dress code (following in the footsteps of both the Bajoran and Klingon religion's nonconformity allowances). Daniel's residency aboard the USS CARMELLA was an eventful and rewarding one, taking him to many outlying, non-aligned worlds. During this time, his knowledge of xenobiology and xenotheology (a personal hobby) grew exponentially, allowing him to cut short his residency by several months and recieve a promotion to attending physician when the CARMELLA's CMO was transferred. CAREER HISTORY: AD 2381: Born in New Haiti AD 2399: Graduated from New Haiti High School AD 2403: Graduated from Harvard University AD 2407: Graduated from Harvard Medical SD 50616: Comissioned at rank of LT (O-3), entered AOT. SD 50719: Recieved Starfleet Medical Certification, Graduated from Advanced Officers Training program. SD 50724: Assigned to SB 74 as intern SD 60411: Transferred to USS Carmella as resident. SD 71012: Awarded Crismson Star for courage above the call of duty, after assisting wounded civilians of Fulman II during raider attack. SD 81230: Completed Residency Requirements, promotion to LCDR (O-4), transferred to attending physician USS Carmella SD 91121: Medical staff of USS Carmella and USS Apgar awarded "Ton Matoth" from citizens of Dailg IV for finding the cause of, and eliminating, the Dalmani Plague SD 91222: Co-authored paper on Dalmani Virus in the Journal of Xenobiology SD 100629: Assumed Command of away team after team leader killed during suprise attack by border raiders. SD 100720: Transferred to USS Circe as CMO. SD 150501: Transferred to Starfleet Medical. SD 220801: Promoted to Commander (O-5); transferred to Starfleet Academy as an instructor. SD 270701: Tranferred to USS Circe-A as CMO RP Notes: Daniel tend to carry with him a multitude of fetishes (chicken bone necklaces, turkey feathers, etc.) as well as adorning his bolongings (personal and starfleet issue) with glyphs and symbols. He also has a small collection of various artifact/icons of multiple religions, some of which are quasi-legal within the federation. All of these things, however, he will defend on religious grounds. Daniel seemingly never gets angry. Confused or pensive perhaps, but never angry. He simply does not allow himself a worldview that includes his own anger. Moderate drinker, has a penchant for Vulcan Sitar music, extremely socialble.
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1.11- LCDR Devin Anastas COU
SURNAME: Anastas GIVEN NAME: Devin RANK: Lieutenant Commander (O-4) POSITION: Counselor, USS CIRCE-A RACE: Alpha Centaurian AGE: 40 Terran Standard years GENDER: F HEIGHT: 5'4" WEIGHT: 113 lbs. HAIR: Dark brown EYES: Light Green II. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE
Devin is a slight woman, appearing to be even more petite than she actually is because of her build. In fact, she was barely able to pass Star Fleet Academy's physical standards. She is olive in skin tone. III. CHARACTER BACKGROUND
Devin has taken two separate Leaves of Absence during her career. She first took leave upon the death of her mother, and extended her leave for a year in order to help sort out the family's affairs. She had planned on resigning her commission from Star Fleet; however, a chance note from then-LT Adrian Pierce Makkedor, an old friend from her Academy days, convinced her to request assignment to his posting, the RAMSES. The relationship between her and Mak grew from there. Her most recent leave was taken after the RAMSES was destroyed; as is her personality, she decided to spend the last six months tending to Mak's somewhat fragile psyche at that time. While she really hasn't done much for him clinically, she is always there for him- and that, to her, is at least as important. She was married to CAPT Makkedor on SD 230726; since then, they have always been assigned together. Devin is the twin sister of LCDR Dev'rar Anastas, one of the chief developers of the Mark III CIRCE-class command battlecruisers. There are times when Devin can pick up a faint emotional twinge from her brother. IV. MISCELLENEOUS
Devin is Mak's romantic interest, and should be treated as such. She is, most definietely, NOT a party girl and will not do anything that would comprimise her relationship with Mak.
1.12- LCOL Cole Halliburton MCO
PERSONNEL FILE--CONFIDENTIAL Full Name: Cole Halliburton, Surname: Halliburton Given Name: Cole Current Rank: LCOL (O-5) Current Billet: MCO, USS CIRCE-A Species: Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Human, Terran decent) Gender/Sex: Male/XY Age: 42 DOB: 11 Sept. 2384 POB Stanleyville, New Natal Province, Brentalia Prime Parents: Richard D. Halliburton (Father) Dr. Jane Pepper-Halliburton (Mother) Siblings: Harry (deceased)(DOB 2381) Adelaide Kate, Veterinarian (DOB 2390) Spouse: None Children: None
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Height: 6'1" Weight: 185 Hair: Dk. Brown, Brush cut Eyes: Blue Skin: Caucasian, Dark Identifying Marks: Minor facial scars, right cheek, chin. Four mark scar-cluster upper right leg. Skin graft on transplanted left forearm. (Please see current ID charts for correct fingerprint set)
MEDICAL DATA: Injuries: Left arm sustained critical injury in aerodyne crash at age 18. Limb amputated and Donor limb attached by Starfleet Medics. Satisfactory recovery. Second and third degree burns also suffered in above incident. Grafting completed by Starfleet medics. Satisfactory recovery. Struck by Murasaki Katana vine on Boromir's Planet age 23. Temporarily blinded by injected toxins. SFM corpsmen unknowingly administered expired anti-toxin, resulting in intermittent bouts of migraine headaches, and blurred vision for 8 months. Halliburton sent to Starbase 244, and treated. Satisfactory recovery. Medication: Halliburton must receive implants of time release medication quarterly to stave off possible rejection of transplanted tissue.
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Academic Institutions Attended: Stanleyville Elementary, Brentalia On-line Network Technical School, Collins Physical Science Academy. Service Schools Attended: Star Fleet Marine Corps Recon School. Star Fleet Officers Candidate School Qualifications:(MOS) Infantry Officer Infantry Unit Leader Small Arms Technician Reconnaissance Marine Shuttlecraft Ordnance Trainee Combat Holographer Majors: Biology, Geology. CPSA(Imcomplete) Minors: Cartography, History, Anthropology, Botany. CPSA (Imcomplete) Thesis: "Pathogens Borne in Offworld Vegetation and their Effects on Terran Vertebrate Genetics" Comments: "Halliburton used experience gathered over his childhood as research material for this paper. The rest of the document is poorly researched, with a light sprinkling of text and net data sources. The result is wholly unscientific, but also oddly informative, and highly readable. Cole refuses to apply himself in scientific matters. He relishes field-work, but when it comes time to assemble the data into a document or complete experiment, he seems to lose interest. I fear this will be his academic undoing." -- Professor Atticus Pitt, Chair of Science Staff, CPSA "Candidate Halliburton has done extremely well on this training exercise. The combined, Survival and Escape & Evasion, courses are one of the toughest hurdles in the OCS program. The simulated Runabout crash on Fyrine IV is only the beginning of a twelve day marathon of challenges that each of the eight candidates must endure. The candidates must not only survive on the hostile surface of Fyrine IV, they must also evade "Enemy" troops (played by members of various SF special units). To pass this exercise a minimum of five candidates must finish the course. Halliburton used initiative, experience, enlisted training and an uncanny nose for direction and weather to bring all eight through." --GSGT Maj. Hadi Siona, Directing Staff SFOCS
SERVICE HISTORY: (Overview) 2404--Enlisted Star Fleet Marine Corps. Basic Training, SFMC Training Camp II, Exeter England, Earth. (Promoted to PFC at conclusion of Basic) 2405--Trained as Combat Holographer. Promoted LCPL on completion. Transferred to Camp McNab, attached to 57th Holography Group. Produced Holo show on Recon Training Program. 2406--Applied to Recon Training Program. Passed Selection for Recon Training. Promoted CPL. Attended Recon Training. Graduated, and Assigned 3 Recon, Boromir's Planet. 2407--Injured by hostile plant life on patrol. Restricted to Light Duty for majority of year by reaction to expired medication. Trained as Small Arms Technician and Shuttlecraft Ordnance Technician while recovering on Light Duty. 2408--Returned to active duty, Boromir's Planet. 2409--3 Recon transferred to Aggadar City, Planet Metlandi. Local population in uproar about destruction of religious materials by anti-government group. 3 Recon attached to Marine Combat Garrison. Trained as Infantry Unit Leader and Promoted SGT. 2410--Acted as Squad Leader. promoted acting 2LT by unit commander by COL. Y. A. Kosonov SFMC as conflict continues. Rebel forces capitulate. Applied for OCS. 2411--Granted leave. Attended, and Graduated OCS [LTs Speakes and G'kael bought it yesterday. Sapper got past the wire and kamikazed the CP. Happened right about sun-down. We need some officers and HQ says their a little backlogged. So, Cole I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse, but as of 15:30 hours I'm bumping you up to 2LT. It's a battlefield commission for now, but we'll make it an act of council when we get a chance. I'd like you to put Norbu in command of your team, and get back here ASAFP. See you in a coupl'a days.] (As heard over Tactical Comm Line) --COL Yuri A Kosonov SFMC MCO, 3 Recon, Aggadar City. Metlandi ADDITIONAL MILITARY SERVICE: 2401--Recruited by Mercenary Leader Sasaki Maruyama, as tracker for Defense Force Scouts, New Natal, Brentalia Prime. 2402--Additional infantry training leads to position change to Team Leader upon Maruyama departure. SERVICE AWARDS & COMMENDATIONS SD: 120220.0930 Pike Medallion for Heroic Injury, Star Fleet Commendation Medal Awarded for service during Tybiirian Asteroid Campaign
MEDICAL DATA: Injuries: Left arm sustained critical injury in aerodyne crash at age 18. Limb amputated and Donor limb attached by Starfleet Medics. Satisfactory recovery. Second and third degree burns also suffered in above incident. Grafting completed by Starfleet medics. Satisfactory recovery. Struck by Murasaki Katana vine on Boromir's Planet age 23. Temporarily blinded by injected toxins. SFM corpsmen unknowingly administered expired anti-toxin, resulting in intermittent bouts of migraine headaches, and blurred vision for 8 months. Halliburton sent to Starbase 244, and treated. Satisfactory recovery. Medication: Halliburton must receive implants of time release medication quarterly to stave off possible rejection of transplanted tissue. PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE Personality: Extroverted, Knowledgeable, Feeling, Perceiving Annoyances: Terminal irresponsible behavior. "People who have only a passing regard for themselves, let alone others." Ambitions: To live a life of infinite possibility. Enthusiasms: Wildlife Holography, languages, history-archeology, hiking, orienteering, mountaineering, astronomy, firearms. "Reserved at first. Halliburton feels respect is a two way street. Respect must be earned by both sides of a relationship. Cole feels that too much familiarity in the beginning of a relationship, be it personal or professional, is a bad trait, and is often given to the creation of waiting periods before a less formal relationship develops." --Dr. Akeem Limpobo, New Natal Psychological Services.
FAMILY & BACKGROUND Father: Richard D. Halliburton Mother: Dr. Jane Pepper-Halliburton Siblings: Harry (deceased) Adelaide History: The Halliburton family has been involved with the DeVeers Black Rhino Relocation Program since day one. The DeVeers Diamond Consortium of South Africa funded the original cryogenic work for the University of Durban. Genetic material from the remaining 266 Black Rhinos was collected and stored in the mid 2100's. When enough land had been reclaimed, animals would be brought back. This never happened. After the Federation founded the Brentalia Prime Planetary Zoo, the BRRP team and it's work moved into a small settlement called New Natal, the center for Terran endangered life.. Dr. Pepper-Halliburton supervised the cloning process, with the help of over twenty five researchers and veterinarians from across the federation. The Halliburton children were raised in an environment of Science, passion, and frontier adventure. Most of the adults of the town were involved directly with the animals. Richard Halliburton was in charge of the town itself. He supervised a small technical staff who ran the geothermal plant, the communications array, and the power grid of the entire town. All the towns children attended informal classes held by the various adults. Harry Halliburton spent most of his time helping his father, while Cole spent most of his time with his mother and the animals. "Addie" came along when Cole was six years old. As a child Cole would ride with the adults into the bush and help with various studies. In the field Cole learned of climbing, ropes, compasses, tracking and many other outdoor skills. When Cole was 16, a hunting party of Orion and Ferengi poachers landed on the planet, with the intent of grabbing many of the endangered and therefore valuable animals. DeVeers executives hired Major Sasaki Maruyama and his team of mercenaries to fend off the attacks. Maruyama conscripted many of the New Natal staff to work with his team. The New Natal team was trained to act as anti-poaching scouts by Maruyama. The poachers were run- off later that year. Maruyamas' team departed. During the rainy season of Cole's eighteenth year the smugglers returned. Targeting the communications array, and the power grid first, hoping to prevent help being summoned. Cole convinced Harry to transport his scouts to their landing area. Harry reluctantly agreed and loaded the Scouts onto one of the towns Mercedes Utility Aerodynes. The smugglers picked up the flyer and shot it down with a barrage of rockets. The Mercedes crash-landed, killing many of the scouts. Harry Halliburton died at the controls, and Cole's left arm was badly mangled. Cole rallied the two remaining scouts and attacked the smugglers. They were distracted long enough for help to be summoned. Cole passed out from blood loss before the battle was over. Upon regaining concoiusness, Halliburton found that help had arrived in the form of a SF destroyer. A few days after the distress call was made the USS SALADIN entered orbit and beamed down two squads of SFMC soldiers. One team tracked down the poachers in the field, while the other team moved into the town to defend it from attack. The poachers were captured before any of the animals were killed or injured. It was hoped that Halliburtons hand could be saved, but the amount of damage done coupled with the length of time that passed before the injury was treated, made that impossible. It was decided that the best course of action would be the attachment of a donor limb. Harry Haliburtons body had been found quickly after the aerodyne crash, and had been placed in cold storage. After the many. It was his hand that replaced Coles'. The SALADINS Chief Medical Officer, assisted by some of the very scientist and doctors Cole had grown up with, attached the new limb. The CMO was on hand for a while to assist in physiotherapy. While this healing process continued Cole was visited by the Marines that had saved the animals. Halliburton was grateful for thier deeds and captured by the stories and adventures they shared with him. Halliburton was grateful for what had been done for him,and saw Starfleet as a great opportunity to help others. He spoke with several officers on board and came to the determination that his training and skills would best be put to use in the Marine Corps. After completing 18 months of physical therapy, while attending university, Halliburton traveled to the enlistment center on earth.
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